financial exploitation

How You Can Prevent Elder Fraud

How You Can Prevent Elder Fraud

Elder fraud and financial exploitation has become an epidemic.

More than ever before, con artists and family members alike are taking advantage of their elderly relatives, friends, or neighbors.

Could your parents or grandparents be next?

The best defense against elder fraud is having caring friends or family with the senior's best interests at heart. But those friends and family can only prevent elder fraud if they know how to spot it — and that's what this blog post will teach you.

This post will cover five ways you can help keep your loved ones safe from elder fraud and financial exploitation. Specifically, you can:

  1. Talk with them about their finances.

  2. Ask them about suspicious phone calls or interactions.

  3. Keep abreast of changes to their estate plan.

  4. Inquire about about caretakers, helpers, or sudden "best friends."

  5. Investigate abrupt or unexplained transfers of assets.

But before we dive in to prevention, let's cover some of the basics of elder fraud.

How to Recognize Fraud in Estate Planning

How to Recognize Fraud in Estate Planning

Suppose your mother has dementia. Her nurse convinces her that he is her only child and has her sign estate planning documents leaving all of her assets to him and expressly disinheriting you and any of her other children. Are those documents valid? Likely not, as your mother has been the victim of fraud.

What is fraud?

There are several ways fraud can be committed in the estate planning process, but the type of fraud we will discuss in this article is referred to as fraudulent inducement. Let's say your mother executed a Last Will and Testament. You could challenge that Will if your mother was fraudulently induced into leaving her property to a person she would not normally have left it (in the example above, the nurse).